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Thursday, 21 September 2017

Bad Social Media Etiquette

Some people treat social media like a diary. They write anything they want, oversharing personal information like nobody's watching. Or like they're performing for a specific person. This is not the case. When you post on social media, it's like you're yelling into a bluetooth, and everyone you know is the person standing behind you on the bus

Are you worried you may be a social media over-sharer? Unsure what is appropriate for the internet and what you should keep to yourself? Well don't worry, ya boy Mrs. Manners is here with  a crash course on social media etiquette. Here's a few tips.

Miserable + Mundane = Bad

Cool story, bro.
I don't expect every social media post to be a revelation in human thought. That being said, come on people! When you're miserable, sharing the most mundane, thoughtless parts of your day brings everyone down. Ever hear people say "nobody cares what you had for lunch?" Well, I can assure you ABSOLUTELY nobody cares if you got a tummy ache after devouring the burrito you just posted on Instagram. If you feel the compulsive need to post every single thought entering your head, at least try to be positive, like my boy Metro Boomin'.

Much better!
I know we're comparing a verified Twitter account to a person with 500 Facebook friends, but look at the engagement percentage on the positive mundane post compared to the negative mundane post. We're talking about a time difference of 11 hours too.

From the mundane, to the overly dramatic...

Subtweeting Sucks

@ somebody, mami.
I was older than 12 when social media was invented, so I've never understood calling somebody out online without tagging them. It seems like the most childish thing you could do. Also, it's super pointless. You realize the people you're sub-tweeting about can see your posts, right? Plus everyone else who follows you is gonna be like "whoa, this person is really boring and passive-aggressive. I like them less than I did before reading this." Instead of being passive-aggressive, try being aggressive-aggressive and using that @ symbol instead. Fun for everyone involved! 
Everyone loves some twitter beef.
See! Look at the engagement numbers. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS, PEOPLE!

Chill with the personal rants.

Okay, dog.
Yo. I shouldn't even have to explain why this is a bad idea. If you're thinking about posting something like this, please. Everyone loves a good mental health breakdown, but I prefer to have mine in private. Try taking your doctor prescribed drugs and staying away from those crazy ones. Works for me. 

Which brings me to my next point...

Why are you trying to finesse drugs?

Bait City and you're the mayor.
In social media class, we learned you shouldn't post something unless you would want your grandma or boss to see it. I can't think of a single person who would want their grandma to know they purchase illegal narcotic stimulants, so why do I see people posting "who's got the coke hookup?" on FACEBOOK! Cops straight up lurk Facebook too! Watch an episode of First 48.

That's all the bad social media etiquette I can think of for now. If you have anything else, leave it in the comments below. 

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