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Monday, 8 January 2018

Could I become a legit Gab Troll?

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I recently caught wind of a website called "Gab", which was billed to me as the alt-right Twitter. Twitter has, in my opinion, flushed itself down the proverbial toilet these days, so I checked Gab out.

I know, I know. Gab is a haven for Nazi trolls who caught Twitter bans, but I'm an open minded guy. I'm willing to use anything if it has redeeming value.

So I went on Gab. This is the login page:

Nice. I'm a huge fan of free speech. It's one of the best tools for marginalized people to be heard in society. I'm thinking, at this point, maybe Gab isn't as bad as it's made out to be.

So I go to the Explore function, and college football is one of the topics. Seems innocuous. So I click, and here's literally the first thing to come up:

This got me thinking. Could I become an influencer on Gab by being a vaguely annoying, but loveable left leaning goon? Like Tomi Lahren but progressive and a dude. It would be easy to make a splash. All I would have to do is have crazy takes like "white privilege exists" or "cis dudes privates' smell like cheese" and thousands of people would spazz. 

I could post three times daily, linking to a right, mainstream and left leaning media source, every day. Gab gives me 300 characters to work with. 500 followers in six months would be something to shoot for.

There are some roadblocks tho. Would there be enough left-leaning Gabbers(???) to follow me? I could scoop libertarians on some "open borders for all" trip and evolve from there. Some right-leaning women have been big in the anti-harassment movement, they could be allies too. The risk is that not enough lefties would come over to Gab, leaving me without a support base of serious followers.

Another thing I'd worry about is getting doxxed or harassed irl by some of these so called "free speech lovers" when they inevitably disagree with me. I'm not sure I can deal with that. But it might be worth it to fight the good fight.

I would love to actually try this. It would be a big career boost and maybe I would actually school some racist turds along the way. Is this a good idea? Do you have any good ideas for how I could execute it?

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